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Comment #76 for Low Carbon Fuel Standard - Policy and Regulatory Development
(lcfs-policy-ws) - 5th Workshop

First Name: Geoff
Last Name: Cooper
Email Address:
AffiliationRenewable Fuels Association
SubjectComments for the October Draft LCFS Regulation
Attached please find the Renewable Fuels Association’s comments in
response to the information presented at CARB’s workshop on Oct. 16
and the documentation released at the same time. 
Additionally, we are requesting an opportunity to provide verbal
comments at the Dec. 2 workshop. Tom Darlington, of Air Improvement
Resource, would be providing verbal comments on our behalf. Please
let us know if Tom can be added to the agenda and if he would be
able to use PowerPoint slides.
As always, thank you for the opportunity to provide comment. We
appreciate the openness of this process and thank CARB for its
careful consideration of stakeholder input.


Original File Name: RFA Comments to CARB on Oct. 16 Workshop.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-11-21 13:23:59

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