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Comment #58 for Technology and Fuels Assessment Report comments
(techfuel-report-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Francis
Email Address:
AffiliationNext Tier Emissions and Performance, LLC
SubjectTier V Locomotive Emissions Proposed
Since 2009, our startup, Next Tier Emissions and Performance, LLC
(NTEP) has received a US Patent 8,752,512 for this very same
Emissions Reduction using on-board Hydrogen Electrolyzers and
fueled by Brackish Seawater. This proposed patent uses Green Energy
and provides Carbon Tax Credits to the manufacturer. This patent is
applicable to all domestic locomotives produced since 2005.
 Please take a moment to review a current US Patent 8,752,512 which
we have authored. As a Hydrogen Locomotive Special Projects
Engineer, we offer the electrolysis of Hydrogen on-board current
locomotive platforms. The Green power used for the electrolysis is
recycled from the locomotive power grid itself when the locomotive
uses Dynamic Braking. Instead of releasing the Excess Electrical
Amperage to the atmosphere via Dynamic Braking Grids in the form of
Heat, we capture the excess energy via ultra-capacitors and
batteries.  This method is Green, uses Brackish seawater. In order
to save millions of Gallons of fuel annually, we add only Brackish
Seawater, ultra-capacitors, and several batteries. Small Quantities
of Hydrogen are constantly replenished in on-board tanks nestled
within the main diesel fuel tank itself. We also reduce Carbon
Emissions by 25% using this methodology. The Carbon Tax $Credits
generated partially reduce the $cost of equipment which we add to
the current platform.      We are deliberately drawing Dynamic
Braking Grids to your attention. The Patent cited above obsoletes
the use of Dynamic Braking Grids from Locomotives in favor of
ultra-capacitors. These same Energy losing Grids were the probable
cause cited in the Bakersfield, CA fires more than 10 years ago
which caused millions of $dollars in damages. This US Patent
deserves to see the light of day in view of the US Technology which
it brings forth. This Patent discloses long held knowledge to
reduce US Transportation costs. The Locomotive Community is not
excited over Tier IV Locomotives and needs to see a Tier V Proposal
in order to rejuvenate stagnant production and re-manufacture of
older excess inventory.
We, US Citizens, are in political trouble over the present stance
on Climate Control. Through the Republican District Director, Brad
Moore, Brad.Moore@Mail.House.Gov who reports into the organization
through Rep. Mike Kelly, and Glenn T Thompson, I attempt to contact
yourself in order to provide the Best Available Technology (BAT) in
order to further your Future Policy on Climate Change and Climate
Control. What a breath of fresh air.
What I am proposing to you is a short read of a Googled patent. If
you would Google “Brackish Seawater used in a Diesel PowerPlant”,
US Patent 8,752,512 you will find the efforts of three MBA,
Graduate Engineering types originating from Erie, PA who have been
unsuccessful thus far, cannot get this idea implemented by GE
Transportation, Caterpillar, RailPower, and/ or Siemen’s
Manufacturer’s. GE Transportation is seemingly interested in a
Compressed Natural Gas Locomotive which can be fueled by CNG
although an infrastructure does not exist.  We all know NASA, yes,
NASA has pioneered in the conversion of Diesel Locomotives to run
on Hydrogen in the mid 1970’s. These documented facts have been
forwarded to Ms. Elaine Chao, newly appointed and highly qualified
Secretary of Transportation, also forwarded to the White House, and
forwarded to Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Governor of California.
Awaiting their response. 

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-04-20 06:05:03

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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