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Comment #51 for Workshop on the Proposed Rice Cultivation Offset Protocol and Updates to Existing Offset Protocols
(offset-protocol-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Teresa
Last Name: Lang
Email Address:
AffiliationClimate Action Reserve
SubjectComments in Support of the Rice Offset Protocol
The Climate Action Reserve supports the decision by California Air
Resources Board (ARB) to develop its Rice Protocol and strongly
encourages the ARB Board to adopt this protocol. The Reserve
developed our own Rice Cultivation Project Protocol in 2011, and
has actively engaged throughout ARB’s Technical Working Group
process for the Rice Protocol. Based on these experiences, we
believe that the ARB staff has done an excellent job on the Draft
Rice Protocol, particularly in terms of working with stakeholders
to resolve concerns and improving upon existing methodologies such
as ours. While we have a number of comments on the Draft Rice
Protocol, we do believe many of the Reserve’s concerns may be
easily resolved, and ultimately we support this protocol going
before the Board for adoption in the near future.

Original File Name: Climate Action Reserve Comments on ARB Rice Protocol 4-1-14.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2014-04-01 11:30:02

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