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Comment #77 for Scoping Plan Update Discussion Draft and Workshop Comments Log
(draft-update-sp-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Jeffrey
Last Name: Creque
Email Address:
AffiliationMarin Carbon Project
SubjectScoping Plan Update
FROM: Marin Carbon Project 
RE: Comments on the ARB Climate Change Scoping Plan First Update 
DATE: 11/1/13 

The Marin Carbon Project (MCP) welcomes the opportunity to comment
on the ARB Climate Change Scoping Plan of October, 2013.  Research
conducted by the MCP in conjunction with UC Berkeley and UC
Cooperative Extension (Ryals and Silver, 2012, Delonge, 2013) over
the past six years has tested and confirmed the enormous carbon
sequestration potential of California’s soils, given appropriate
management intervention, including the use of compost on permanent
pastures and rangeland systems.  We are pleased, therefore, to see
the inclusion of carbon sequestration language throughout the
Scoping Plan, particularly in the working lands and agricultural
sectors.  Nevertheless, the enormous potential of biological
sequestration –particularly soil sequestration of carbon- in
California is not fully recognized in the Plan.  We focus our
comments, therefore, by providing suggested language in bold
italics to strengthen the carbon sequestration component of the

As the Plan makes clear, reducing emissions is essential, but not
enough to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases to safe levels. We
must take advantage of the enormous capacity of our managed lands
to capture increased quantities of atmospheric carbon by supporting
that capacity with informed management. The diversion of organics
from anaerobic storage or disposal systems to aerobic composting,
and utilization of compost for the enhancement of soil quality, is
among the carbon-sequestering and GHG avoidance practices advocated
by the MCP due to its powerful capacity to increase water holding
capacity and plant productivity, which in turn drive the capacity
of landscapes for further carbon capture and sequestration.

Thank you again for the opportunity to comment on the ARB Scoping
Plan Update.

Jeffrey Creque, Ph.D.
Marin Carbon Project

Original File Name: ARB Scoping Comments.docx

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-11-01 15:52:43

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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