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Comment #82 for 2030 Target Scoping Plan Discussion Draft
(sp2030disc-dec16-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Lee
Last Name: Ballance
Email Address:
SubjectIn Support of Carbon Tax
First I would like to thank the Air Resources Board for their hard
and extremely valuable work in making our state a world leader in
climate change action. 

I would like to encourage the Air Resources Board to take a deep
and serious look at the option of a carbon tax (or fee), imposed as
far upstream as possible, as a way to manage fossil fuel emissions
going forward. Such a tax spreads the price of carbon throughout
the economy in the most efficient way possible. It also minimizes
the cost of administration and monitoring. By avoiding offsets the
immediate benefits of reduced emissions, especially air quality
benefits, are realized by the citizens of CA rather than

Finally carbon fees or taxes can be easily integrated across states
and nations and can serve as a model for Federal action. The CA
legislature called on the US government to institute such a plan
earlier this year when it passed AJR 43. Instituting a carbon tax
at the State level would add impetus to Federal action.

Thank you for your attention,

Lee C. Ballance MD 

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-16 14:03:53

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