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Comment #80 for Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Draft Strategy
(slcpdraftstrategy-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Linda K.
Last Name: Phillips, Ph.D.
Email Address:
SubjectPlease include sulfuryl fluoride among regulated SLCPs
Thank you for your proposal to reduce emissions of short-lived
climate pollutants, including fluorinated gases. This is critically

However, I understand that one fluorinated gas is not included:
sulfuryl fluoride. 

Several years ago, my home was fumigated with Vikane. No
alternative seemed to be available; sulfuryl fluoride replaced
methyl bromide, which had been banned, at least partly because it
is a greenhouse gas. Yet this may be a case of unintended
consequences, because sulfuryl fluoride is also a climate

Please include sulfuryl fluoride to the SLCPs that must be reduced
in our atmosphere. Either it should be banned from activities where
it is emitted, or stringent measures must be required to recapture
it and prevent its release to the atmosphere.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-10-30 12:45:48

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