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Comment #9 for Governor's Pillars: Natural Working Lands
(pillarsnatworklds-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Dan
Last Name: Morash
Email Address:
AffiliationCalifornia Safe Soil, LLC
SubjectNew technologies that sequester GHG's as organic matter in farmland soil
California Safe Soil has a breakthrough new technology to recycle
unsold food from supermarkets into fertilizer for farms.  Instead
of going to landfill and creating carbon dioxide and methane GHG's,
our liquid fertilizer, called Harvest to Harvest (H2H), goes
through the farmer's driplines or other irrigation equipment and
into the root zone in the soil. H2H stimulates growth in soil
organisms, which triggers increased plant root growth, flowering
and fruiting. Plants need less water and fertilizer, and crop
yields increase. Soil organic matter levels increase, sequestering
carbon in the soil, while reducing waste and making California
agriculture more sustainable.  Our work has been affirmed by
research at UC Davis and the UC Cooperative Extension offices.  See
our website,

We can do a lot to help California achieve its GHG reduction goals,
but we need recognition and we need help to get our business from
pilot to commercial stage.  Thereafter, our technology can stand on
its own, with no further support.  Either the CalRecycle organics
recycling program or the CDFA Healthy Soils Program can help.  We
also need the ARB to fully recognize the extent to which our
process is successful in sequestering GHG's.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-26 12:16:19

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