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Comment #9 for Water Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan
(sp-water-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Cory
Last Name: Brennan
Email Address:
AffiliationGreen Leadership Consortium
Los Angeles has enough rainwater coming into the basin to provide
the water needs for its current population IF:

1. Water catchment laws are implemented and regulation that chills
water catchment is revised or removed.
2. Government and private sector money, energy and time going into
pie in the sky solutions like ocean desalinization and cloud
seeding needs to go into creating water catchment and many areas
in LA that allow the water to soak into the aquifer.  This can be
done with permeable pavement in canals and other areas, swales in
park systems and other areas, water catchment on building roofs,
etc, etc.
3.  Laws regarding irrigation need to be tightened up.  Water
waste especially needs to be outlawed and fines implemented for
people who carelessly let water run down the street instead of
going into their green areas.  Water restrictions on irrigation
will encourage water saving irrigation approaches which are
broadly available and just need to be used. 
4.  An aggressive marketing campaign needs to be done on the
advantages of reducing water needs, reusing water, and catching
5.  Irrigation laws need to be passed for agriculture as well. 
There are huge amounts of water being wasted - I drive by fields
that have huge water leaks coming from their pipes, veritable
streams running down roads from these leaks.  They are also
irrigating in the middle of the day and other water wasteful
practices.  Laws should be implemented requiring swales and other
water catchment in fields to prevent runoff, which will also
handle soil depletion and pollution issues. 

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-31 08:21:21

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