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Comment #84 for Volkswagen Settlement - California ZEV Investments
(vw-zevinvest-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Mark
Last Name: Sheldon
Email Address:
SubjectEncouraging Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Education and Infrastructure Support
The inclusion of hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the VW ZEV investments
commitment is to be encouraged. Furthermore, this should not be a
token investment but ideally at a rate higher than the early
estimates of fuel cell vehicles relative to battery electric
vehicles, because of the infrastructure challenges involved. Fuel
cells are a mature technology with their own advantages, but
support for their growing fueling network and for the public
education about them are critical to their potential for success.
Public Education and Outreach needs to address key points of
understanding that hydrogen / Fuel Cell vehicles are on a par with
other vehicles for safety; are rapidly becoming more available
(particularly in California); and that a significant fraction of
the Hydrogen to fuel them is already being produced from renewable
sources (as mandated by California) with that more renewable
hydrogen sources being developed towards a fully renewable hydrogen
Hydrogen Infrastructure is also important and whatever VW can do to
support it in a way that is fair to the market competitors is of
value. This support could include station and fuel delivery
infrastructure. Support for the placement of more hydrogen fueling
stations covering all parts of, and in areas (including those
identified as disadvantaged) where initial station coverage is
still sparse will help enable the viability of fuel cell vehicles
for the entire public as they become more affordable and widely
Although I do not speak for any organization apart from my own
business, I believe it is safe to say that the professional
hydrogen / fuel cell organizations stand ready to lend their
expertise to help making a mature hydrogen infrastructure and an a
program deployed to educate the public a reality.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-20 09:31:51

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