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Comment #83 for Draft Proposed First Update to the Climate Change Scoping Plan
(proposed-sp-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Jim
Last Name: Stewart
Email Address:
AffiliationPODenergy, Inc.
SubjectInclude Seaweed Forests to reverse climate change
ARB must include carbon removal technologies in its scoping plan
It is clear from the current climate science that the current GHG
levels in the atmosphere are already inflicting serious damage to
the health and safety of all Californians.

The only way to protect the health and safety of all Californians
is to include carbon removal technologies in the scoping plan,
starting immediately.  

There are many technologies that can remove carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere and oceans.  we rcommend seaweed forests in the ocean as
the most environmentally-friendly and most economical climate

The attached peer-reviewed paper, published in the journal, Process
Safety and Environment Protection, presents the following

1.	Climate disruption and ocean acidity can only be restored to the
conditions of the last 10,000 years of human civilization by
removing nearly a trillion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere and
ocean.  (This means that most technologies such as wind and solar
power only slow down the climate and ecological disaster.)
2.	No other proposed negative carbon technologies can address the
scope of this challenge at a reasonable cost. See McLaren, D.,
2012. A comparative global assessment of potential negative
emissions technologies. Process Safety and Environment Protection,
Vol. 90, p. 489-500.
3.	Anaerobic digestion of seaweed is designed to be sustainable in
every sense of the word: Environmental, Climate, Political, Social,
Energy, and Economic (i.e. profitable).
4.	The process relies on all natural processes.  The main
difference from nature is capturing nutrients left after digestion
and returning them to keep the macroalgae forest sustainable.
5.	Seaweed forests have multiple advantages: 
- produces abundant, carbon-neutral renewable energy in the form of
clean burning natural
  gas (which can be converted to liquid fuels)
- increases natural biodiversity
- increases food supplies plus other products from algae, plus
fertilizers for food security
- can clean up ocean dead zones and coastal pollution
- supports energy independence and local jobs – especially for
developing countries without
  low-cost natural gas.
6.	Seaweed forests have been vetted by key ocean researchers and
published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal issue on “Negative
Carbon Technologies.” See “Negative carbon via Ocean
Afforestation.” Process Safety and Environment Protection, Vol. 90
(2012), p. 467-474.

More details and copies of our published papers and supplemental
materials are available at:

Jim Stewart, PhD, Vice President
PODenergy Inc.
213-487-9340 Fax: 310-362-8400 Cell: 213-820-4345
1216 S. Westlake Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90006-4118

1.	 “Negative carbon via Ocean Afforestation.” Process Safety and
Environment Protection, Vol. 90 (2012), p. 467-474.


Original File Name: NegativeCarbonViaOceanAfforestation2012Authors.docx

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2014-04-28 16:55:46

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