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Comment #91 for Scoping Plan Update Discussion Draft and Workshop Comments Log
(draft-update-sp-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Quentin
Last Name: Foster
Email Address:
Subject2013-14 Climate Change Scoping Plan Comments
November 1, 2013

CalETC Comments:2013-14 Climate Change Scoping Plan (Revised Staff

Dear Chairman Nichols,

The California Electric Transportation Coalition (CalETC)
appreciates the opportunity to comment on the 2013-2014 Climate
Change Scoping Plan, Revised Staff Draft. CalETC is a non-profit
coalition with a board of directors that includes: Los Angeles
Department of Water and Power, Pacific Gas & Electric Company,
Sacramento Municipal Utility District, San Diego Gas & Electric
Company and Southern California Edison.

CalETC fully supports the ARB staff’s hard work in taking a more
collaborative approach, working with other agencies in addressing
emission reductions. We agree with ARB staff that more is needed
particularly in addressing heavy duty fleet usage in freight
transportation, and support the staff’s approach to incorporate
stakeholder involvement in developing a 2014 Sustainable Freight
Strategy (page 24). Additionally, we welcome the opportunity to
provide assistance with ARB’s upcoming assessments of
transportation electrification segments such as off-road equipment,
airport ground support equipment, ports and rail in future Scoping

We encourage ARB staff to continue to look at accomplishing the
state’s GHG and AQ emission reduction goals from a broad
perspective that includes the many benefits, both fiscal and
environmental, associated with the electrification of the
transportation sector. 

CalETC also commends the ARB staff for taking a “well-to-wheels”
lifecycle approach where the power plants, refineries, and other
production facilities are being included in its review of the
transportation system impact on the energy sector. 

Pursuant to the original language in the initial Scoping Plan (page
106, 2008), CalETC anticipates ARB staff will continue to
incorporate all information and stakeholder input during the plan
development process.   The momentum for addressing California’s
emissions goals continues to grow with constant collaborative
engagement. The ARB will need to consider both stakeholder and
participating agency recommendations in order to maintain the
progress this momentum has yielded. 

We recognize there are still many steps to take to accomplish the
emissions goals the state has set for 2020 and achieve the goals
beyond 2020. CalETC is committed to continual engagement with
economic stakeholders, the ARB and other state agencies in
progressing towards California’s environmental goals.

			Eileen Wenger Tutt, Executive Director
		California Electric Transportation Coalition

Original File Name: CALETC Scoping Plan Comments (FINAL) 11-01-2013.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-11-01 16:30:37

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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