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Climate Coordination Calendar - View Event | IA

Event Details

TitlePublic Work Group for Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program Updates and Discussion
Event TypeLow Carbon Transportation [ARB]
Start Time06-23-2021 10:00 AM
End Time06-23-2021 02:30 PM


DescriptionThe California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites you to participate in a virtual public work group meeting to provide an update and discuss proposed changes to the Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program (CMO). CMO provides funding for the design and implementation of clean mobility projects in California's under-resourced communities. During this work group, the CMO Program Administrator team and CARB staff will provide an overview of key program updates, introduce the program’s latest partner – the California Energy Commission, and propose a series of program changes to better support future applicants. This is an opportunity for stakeholders to provide their feedback on program improvements. Staff will be available to answer questions and receive stakeholder input.
Event URL
WebCast URL
Webinar URL
All Day Event?No
Contact NameAva Yaghoobirad
Contact Phone(916) 324-2304