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Climate Coordination Calendar - View Event | IA

Event Details

TitlePublic Workshop on the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives
Event TypeLow Carbon Transportation [ARB]
Start Time07-21-2022 10:00 AM
End Time07-21-2022 03:00 PM


DescriptionThe California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) invites you to participate in the second public workshop on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives. The Draft FY 2022-23 Funding Plan will describe CARB’s portion of the multi-agency zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) package, as a part of the May revision to the Governor’s proposed 2022 State budget. The May revision to the Governor’s proposed budget includes a total of $6.1 billion over multiple years through FY 2025-26 to accelerate ZEV transportation, with a focus on the communities most impacted by pollution. This proposal builds upon the $3.9 billion multi-year commitment to ZEV acceleration approved in the 2021 Budget, for a total investment to $10 billion over 5 years to decarbonize California’s most polluting sector and improve public health. This funding will be administered by CARB, the California Energy Commission, the California State Transportation Agency, and Go-Biz. In the Legislative version of the FY 2022-23 State Budget released in June 2022, the Legislature stated that it would approve the total new ZEV funding level of $6.1 billion proposed by the Governor, but it would defer considering the detailed program level appropriations until later in the 2022 Legislative session. Because the Legislature has not yet released its detailed proposal for program level appropriations, CARB staff will present the program level appropriations included in the May revision to the Governor’s proposed budget. This includes approximately $1.84 billion for Clean Transportation Incentives, which is comprised of funding that the Governor has proposed to accelerate into FY 2021-22 and funding for FY 2022-23. This year’s draft Funding Plan includes funding from the Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan, the General Fund, and the Air Quality Improvement Fund.
Event URL
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All Day Event?No
Contact NameMs. Graciela Garcia
Contact Phone(916) 323-2781