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Climate Coordination Calendar - View Event | IA

Event Details

TitleStatewide Mobile Monitoring Initiative: Virtual Public Kick-off Meeting
Event TypeStatewide Mobile Monitoring Initiative
Start Time09-17-2024 05:30 PM
End Time09-17-2024 07:30 PM

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) designed the Statewide Mobile Monitoring Initiative (SMMI) to attain a comprehensive dataset of criteria pollutants, toxic air contaminants, and greenhouse gases, create a data portal for public to access and visualize SMMI data, and conduct inclusive community engagement to better understand and address community concerns. This project provides an opportunity to complement AB 617 statewide air monitoring activities by engaging communities beyond those currently selected under the Community Air Protection Program, providing data to fill air monitoring gaps and support additional actions to reduce emissions and exposure.

The meeting will include Spanish interpretation and closed captioning. Participants can also dial-in by phone upon registration.

The virtual kickoff meeting will include an overview of the State’s efforts for the SMMI, an opportunity to ask questions, and how to be engaged in the efforts.

Event URL
WebCast URL
Webinar URL
All Day Event?No
Contact NameStatewide Mobile Monitoring Initiative
Contact PhoneNA