Board Meeting Comment Logs for All Years

Hearing Date List Name Item Description
2024-07-25 ab6172024progress Community Air Protection Program Annual Progress Update  . more info
2024-07-25 ab617ssacflorin Recommendation to Select the South Sacramento-Florin Community to Transition to Develop a Community Emissions Reduction Program  . more info
2024-07-25 sjvpm2.5sip2024 San Joaquin Valley 2024 State Implementation Plan  . more info
2024-07-25 transportsip2024 Proposed Transport State Implementation Plan  . more info
2024-06-27 jun2024opencomm Open Comment for the June 27, 2024, Board Meeting  . more info
2024-06-27 southcoastpm2.52024 South Coast Air Basin Attainment Plan for the 2012 Annual PM2.5 Standard  . more info
2024-06-27 zeforklifts Proposed Zero-Emission Forklift Regulation  . more info
2024-05-23 actzepcert2024 Amendments to the Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation and the Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification Test Procedure  . more info
2024-05-23 may2024opencomm Open Comment for the May 23, 2024 Board Meeting  . more info
2024-05-23 regsipsubmittal2024 Proposed 2024 State Implementation Plan Adoption and Submittal of Five California Air Resources Board Regulations  . more info
2024-05-23 rscnewmember2024 Consideration of a Proposed New Member for the CARB's Research Screening Committee  . more info
2024-05-22 cosip23 Proposed 2023 Revision to the California State Implementation Plan for Carbon Monoxide  . more info
2024-03-21 lcfs2024 Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments  . more info
2024-01-25 areades23 2023 Amendments to Area Designations  . more info
2024-01-25 electifyamericacycl4 Electrify America's Proposed Cycle 4 Zero Emission Vehicle Investment Plan  . more info
2024-01-25 january2024opencomm Open Comment for the January 25, 2024, Board Meeting  . more info
2024-01-25 onmc24 Amendments to On-Road Motorcycle Emission Standards and Test Procedures  . more info
2024-01-25 priorities2024 Report on the California Air Resources Board's Established and Expected Priorities for 2024  . more info
2023-11-16 fundingplan2023 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives  . more info
2023-11-16 nov2023opencomm Open Comment for the November 16, 2023, Board Meeting  . more info
2023-11-02 ab179carbctchcd2023 Joint Meeting of the California Air Resources Board, the California Transportation Commission, and the California Department of Housing and Community  . more info
2023-10-26 ab617blueprint2.0 AB 617 Blueprint 2.0  . more info
2023-10-26 oct2023opencomm Open Comment for the October 26, 2023, Board Meeting  . more info
2023-10-26 sacozonesip Sacramento Region Ozone SIP  . more info
2023-10-26 smallcontainer2023 Proposed Amendments to the Regulation for Small Containers of Automotive Refrigerant  . more info
2023-10-26 smogchecksip2023 California Smog Check Contingency Measure for the State Implementation Plan  . more info
2023-10-20 hdomnibus2023 Proposed Amendments to the Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Omnibus Regulation  . more info
2023-09-28 lcfsupdate2023 Public Meeting to Hear an Update on the Low Carbon Fuel Standard  . more info
2023-09-28 sept282023opencomm Open Comment for the September 28, 2023, Board Meeting  . more info
2023-09-14 carbejac091423 Joint Discussion of Implementation of California Air Resources Board’s Assembly Bill 32 Climate Programs  . more info
2023-06-22 easternkernozoneplan Proposed Eastern Kern 8-Hour Ozone Plan  . more info
2023-06-22 haagenawards2022 2022 Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards  . more info
2023-06-22 june2023opencomm Open Comment for the June 22, 2023 Board Meeting  . more info
2023-06-22 oilgas2023 Amendments to the Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities  . more info
2023-05-25 may2023opencomm Open Comment for the May 25, 2023, Board Meeting  . more info
2023-05-25 ucbresearch052523 Proposed UCB Research Contract  . more info
2023-04-27 april2023opencomm Open Comment for the April 27-28, 2023 Board Meeting  . more info
2023-03-23 ab32appointment2023 The Board will consider staff’s recommendations for the appointment of new or alternate members to the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC)  . more info
2023-03-23 evconversions Procedures for Exemption of Add-On and Modified Part(s) for On-Road Vehicles/Engines specific to electric vehicle conversions.  . more info
2023-03-23 msrdelegation Delegation of Authority to the Executive Officer  . more info
2023-03-23 opencomments 3.23 Open Comment for the March 23, 2023, Board Meeting  . more info
2023-03-23 smogcheckozonesip Proposed California Smog Check Performance Standard Modeling and Program Certification for the 70 parts per billion 8-hour Ozone Standard  . more info
2023-03-23 wnevadasip23 Proposed Ozone Attainment Plan for Western Nevada County  . more info
2023-02-23 ab6175thannualrec Consider Fifth Annual Community Recommendations and Update the Board on the Annual Assembly Bill 617 Implementation Memorandum  . more info
2023-02-23 feb232023opencomm Open Comment for the February 23, 2023, Board Meeting  . more info
2023-02-23 wmojaveozoneplan Western Mojave Desert 70ppb Ozone Attainment Plan  . more info
2023-01-26 areades22 State Area Designations 2022  . more info
2023-01-26 chromeatcm2023 Proposed Amendments to the ATCM for Chromium Electroplating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations  . more info
2023-01-26 eopriorities Public Meeting to Hear a Report on the California Air Resources Board’s Program Priorities for 2023  . more info
2023-01-26 january2023opencomm Open Comment for the January 26 Board Meeting  . more info
2023-01-26 researchplan2023 Proposed Research Projects for Fiscal Year 2023-2024  . more info
2023-01-26 sccoachozone2022aqmp 2022 Air Quality Management Plan for the 70ppb 8-hour Ozone Standard in the South Coast Air Basin and Coachella Valley  . more info
2023-01-26 sjvozonesip Proposed San Joaquin Valley 70 ppb Ozone SIP  . more info
2023-01-26 ventura2022aqmp Ventura County 2022 Air Quality Management Plan for the 70ppb 8-hour Ozone Standard  . more info
2022-12-16 2022legupdate The Board will hear an update on 2022 air quality and climate legislation from the Office of Legislative Affairs.  . more info
2022-12-16 december2022opencomm Open Comment for the December 15-16, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-12-16 screeningcommittee22 The Board will hear an overview of the proposed new members for the CARB Research Screening Committee and consider a resolution to approve their appoi  . more info
2022-12-16 ucbresearch121622 Proposed UCB Research Contract  . more info
2022-11-17 coachellaozonerfp Coachella Valley 75 ppb 8-Hour Ozone Reasonable Further Progress State Implementation Plan  . more info
2022-11-17 fundingplan2022 FY 22-23 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives and Carl Moyer Program Changes  . more info
2022-11-17 locomotive22 In-Use Locomotive Regulation  . more info
2022-11-17 locomotive222nd15day Second 15-Day Notice for in-Use Locomotive Regulation  . more info
2022-11-17 offroaddiesel2022 In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets Regulation  . more info
2022-11-17 ucdresearchimpacts Proposed Contract with the University of California, Davis Titled "Research Study: Impacts and Implications of California Housing and Transportation C  . more info
2022-11-17 ucdresearchzev Proposed Contract with the University of California, Davis Titled "Research Study: State of Zero-Emission Vehicle Secondary Market and Accessibility I  . more info
2022-11-03 ab179carbctchcd2022 AB179 Joint Meeting with CARB/CTC/HCD  . more info
2022-10-27 acf2022 Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation  . more info
2022-10-27 acf20222nd15day Proposed Advanced Clean Fleets Regulations 2nd 15-day  . more info
2022-10-27 oct2022opencomm Open Comment for the October 27, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-10-27 sjvugsip San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 SIP Update  . more info
2022-10-13 ab617arla Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Community Emissions Reduction Program for Arvin/Lamont  . more info
2022-09-22 ictupdate2022 Innovative Clean Transit Program Update and Comprehensive Review on 2023 Program Readiness  . more info
2022-09-22 sep2022opencomm Open Comment for the September 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-09-22 statesip22 Proposed 2022 State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan  . more info
2022-09-22 ucbresearch092222 Proposed UCB Research Contract  . more info
2022-09-01 carbejac090122 Carb/Ejac Joint Meeting  . more info
2022-08-25 ab617sla22 Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Community Emissions Reduction Plan for South LA  . more info
2022-08-25 august2022opencomm Open Comment for the August 25, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-06-24 2021enfreport 2021 Annual Enforcement Report  . more info
2022-06-24 ab617commairgrants Consider Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Grants to Environmental Health Coalition  . more info
2022-06-24 hazesip2021 California’s Regional Haze State Implementation Plan  . more info
2022-06-24 june2022opencomm Open Comment for the June 24, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-06-23 scopingplan2022 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan  . more info
2022-06-09 accii2022 Proposed Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations  . more info
2022-06-09 june092022opencomm Open Comment for the June 9, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-05-20 2020-2021haagensmit Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards  . more info
2022-05-20 2022mourenewals Informational update on CARB’s Academic Memorandums with educational institutions  . more info
2022-05-20 may2022opencomm Open Comment for the May 19-20, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-05-19 ab617statewideupdate Informational Update on Assembly Bill 617 Statewide Strategy  . more info
2022-05-19 racialequityupdate Informational Update on the California Air Resources Board’s Racial Equity and Diversity Efforts  . more info
2022-04-28 april2022opencomm Open Comment for the April 28, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-04-28 evseupdate Informational Update on the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Standards Technology Review  . more info
2022-04-28 testdocket Test Docket  . more info
2022-04-28 zevinfrastructure Informational Update on Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure  . more info
2022-03-24 22spcarbonneutrality Draft Scenarios for Achieving Carbon Neutrality in the 2022 Scoping Plan Update  . more info
2022-03-24 mar242022opencomm Open Comment for the March 24, 2022, Board Meeting  . more info
2022-03-10 ejacappointment2022 Consideration of Appointment of New Members to Assembly Bill 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee  . more info
2022-03-10 ejacrecommendations Consideration of Appointment of New Members to Assembly Bill 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee  . more info
2022-03-10 march102022opencomm Open Comment for the March 10, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-02-25 communityairgrants Community Air Grants and 2021 Awardees  . more info
2022-02-25 feb252022opencomm Open Comment for the February 25, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-02-24 2022sipstratupdate Info Update on 2022 State Strategy for the SIP  . more info
2022-02-24 areades21 2021 Amendments to Area Designations for State Ambient Air Quality Standards  . more info
2022-02-24 feb242022opencomm Open Comment for the February 24, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-02-24 scopingplaninfoitem Scoping Plan Overview and Development Update  . more info
2022-02-10 ab6172021selection Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Fourth Annual Selection of Communities  . more info
2022-02-10 feb102022opencomm Open Comment for the February 10, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-01-27 2021legupdate 2021 Legislative Update  . more info
2022-01-27 cleanfuelsfleets2022 Clean Fuels for Fleets Certification for the 70 ppb Ozone Standard  . more info
2022-01-27 january2022opencomm Open Comment for the January 27, 2022 Board Meeting  . more info
2022-01-27 programpriorities22 CARB Program Priorities for 2022  . more info
2022-01-27 researchplan2022 Research Projects for Fiscal Year 2022-2023  . more info
2021-12-09 dec2021opencomm Open Comment for the December 9, 2021, Board Meeting  . more info
2021-12-09 hdim2021 Proposed Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance Regulation  . more info
2021-12-09 scpm2.5redesignation South Coast PM2.5 Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan  . more info
2021-12-09 sore2021 Amendments to the Small Off-Road Engine Regulations: Transition to Zero Emissions  . more info
2021-11-19 2019haagensmitawards 2019 Haagen-Smit Awards  . more info
2021-11-19 chc2021 Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation  . more info
2021-11-19 draftfinalcciplan Draft Final Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Fourth Investment Plan  . more info
2021-11-19 fundingplan2021 FY 21-22 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives, et al  . more info
2021-11-19 november2021opencomm November 2021 Open Comment  . more info
2021-11-19 ucdresearch110921 UCD Research Contract  . more info
2021-11-19 uclaresearch110921 UCLA Research Contract  . more info
2021-11-04 ab179carbctchcd2021 AB179 Joint Meeting with CARB/CTC/HCD  . more info
2021-10-28 2020moblesourcestrat 2020 Mobile Source Strategy  . more info
2021-10-28 ab617toxicsupdate Informational Update on Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection and Air Toxics Programs  . more info
2021-10-28 ejac2022scopingplan Informational Report from the Leadership of the EJAC on Efforts Related to the 2022 Scoping Plan  . more info
2021-10-28 ipcc-ar6 Informational Update on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report (IPCC-AR6): Findings and Implications for California  . more info
2021-10-28 oct282021opencomm Open Comment for the October 28, 2021 Board Meeting  . more info
2021-10-14 ab617portside Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Portside Communities  . more info
2021-10-14 oct142021opencomm Open Comment for the October 14, 2021, Board Meeting  . more info
2021-09-23 cosojunctionpm10sip Coso Junction PM10 Maintenance Pla SIP Submittal  . more info
2021-09-23 saccountypm10 Sacramento County PM10 Maintenance Plan State Implementation Plan Submittal  . more info
2021-09-23 sept232021opencomm Open Comment for the September 23, 2021 Board Meeting  . more info
2021-09-23 sjvpm2.5sip2021 Update on the 2018 PM2.5 SIP for the San Joaquin Valley and Consider a SIP Revision for the 15 ìg/m3 Annual PM2.5 Standard  . more info
2021-09-23 tru2021 Transport Regrigeration Units ATCM Regulation  . more info
2021-09-23 tru2021draftea Draft Supplemental Environmental Analysis for the Transport Regrigeration Units ATCM Regulation  . more info
2021-09-09 ab617coachella Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Community Emissions Reduction Program for Eastern Coachella  . more info
2021-09-09 sept092021opencomm Open Comment for the September 9, 2021 Board Meeting  . more info
2021-07-29 ab617stockton Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Community Emissions Reduction Program for Stockton  . more info
2021-07-29 july292021opencomm Open Comment for the July 29, 2021 Board Meeting  . more info
2021-07-22 july222021opencomm Open Comment for the July 22, 2021, Board Meeting  . more info
2021-07-22 obd2021 Onboard Diagnostic System Requirements Amendments  . more info
2021-06-24 2022spprocess Informational Update on the 2022 Scoping Plan Process  . more info
2021-06-24 617techclearinghouse Informational Update on the AB 617 Technology Clearinghouse  . more info
2021-06-24 eazevinvestmentplan3 Electrify America's Cycle 3 ZEV Investment Plan  . more info
2021-06-24 enforcementrpt2020 2020 Annual Enforcement Report  . more info
2021-06-24 june2021opencomm Open Comment for the June 24, 2021, Board Meeting  . more info
2021-06-24 scpm10maintplan2021 South Coast PM10 Maintenance Plan SIP Revision  . more info
2021-05-20 ab617southeastla Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Community Emissions Reduction Program for Southeast Los Angeles  . more info
2021-05-20 cleanmilesstandard Proposed Clean Miles Standard  . more info
2021-05-20 ejacappointment2021 Appointment of New Members to Environmental Justice Advisory Committee  . more info
2021-05-20 may2021opencomm Open Comment for the May 20, 2021 Board Meeting  . more info
2021-04-22 april2021opencomm Open Comment for the April 22, 2021 Board Meeting  . more info
2021-04-22 mobilesourcefees2021 Mobile Source Certification and Compliance Fees Regulation  . more info
2021-03-25 consumerproducts2021 Amendments to Consumer Products Regulations  . more info
2021-03-25 march2021opencomm Open Comment for the March 25, 2021, Board Meeting  . more info
2021-03-25 triennialresearch '21-'24 Triennial Research Plan and Proposed Research for FY '21-'22  . more info
2021-02-25 ab6172020 Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Selection of 2020 Communities  . more info
2021-02-25 areadesignations2020 Proposed 2020 Amendments to Area Designations for State Ambient Air Quality Standards  . more info
2021-02-25 coachellaextreme2021 Proposed Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Offset Demonstration for the Coachella Valley Extreme Area Ozone Plan  . more info
2021-02-25 february2021opencomm Open Comment for the February 25, 2021, Board Meeting  . more info
2021-02-25 programpriorities21 CARB Program Priorities for 2021  . more info
2021-02-25 sjvagburn21 San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Burning Assessment  . more info
2021-02-25 ucbresearch022521 Proposed Research Contract with U.C. Berkeley, Titled "Impacts of Train and Port Pollution and Air Toxics on Respiratory Symptoms and ED Visits"  . more info
2021-02-25 ucdresearch022521 Proposed Research Contract with U.C. Davis, Titled "Post-COVID Transportation Scenarios: Evaluating the Impact of Policies"  . more info
2021-02-25 ucdresearch022521b Proposed Research Contract with U.C. Davis, Titled "Estimating the Health Benefits of Reducing Emissions of Toxic Air Contaminants in California"  . more info
2020-12-10 december2020opencomm Open Comment for the December 10, 2020 Board Meeting  . more info
2020-12-10 evr2020 Amendments to Enhanced Vapor Recovery Regulations for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities  . more info
2020-12-10 fundingplan2020 FY 20-21 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives  . more info
2020-12-10 hfc2020 Proposed Amendments to the Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Stationary Refrigeration, Chillers, Aerosols-Propellants and Foam End-  . more info
2020-12-10 mobilesourcestrat20 Update on 2020 Mobile Source Strategy  . more info
2020-11-19 caghggoals111920 Informational Update on California's Greenhouse Gas Goals and Deep Decarbonization  . more info
2020-11-19 ctr2020 Regulation for the Reporting of Criteria Air Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants  . more info
2020-11-19 hotspots2020 Amendments to the EICG Report for the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program  . more info
2020-11-19 indoorair111920 Update on Indoor Air Quality  . more info
2020-11-19 legupdate111920 2020 Legislative Update  . more info
2020-11-19 november2020opencomm Open Comment for the November 19, 2020 Board Meeting  . more info
2020-11-19 portolapm2.52020 Proposed Portola PM2.5 Plan Contingency Measure State Implementation Plan Submittal  . more info
2020-11-19 sd8hourozone2020 San Diego 8-Hour Ozone SIP Submittal  . more info
2020-11-04 ab179carbctchcd2020 AB179 Joint Meeting with CARB/CTC/HCD  . more info
2020-10-22 october2020opencomm Open Comment for the October 22, 2020 Board Meeting  . more info
2020-10-22 peaqs102220 Informational Update on Next-Generation Heavy-Duty Vehicle Enforcement  . more info
2020-10-22 raceupdate102220 Update on Race, Equity, and the California Air Resources Board's Activities  . more info
2020-10-22 sjvpm2.5update102220 Informational Update on the Implementation of the San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 State Implementation Plan  . more info
2020-10-22 ucbresearch102220 Proposed Research Contract with the University of California, Berkeley  . more info
2020-10-22 ucdresearch102220 Proposed Research Contract with the University of California, Davis  . more info
2020-10-22 wmojavevmt2020 West Mojave Desert VMT Offset Demonstration  . more info
2020-09-24 ab617infoupdate2020 AB617 Community Emissions Reduction Program Implementation Update  . more info
2020-09-24 sept242020opencomm Open Comment for the September 24, 2020 Board Meeting  . more info
2020-09-24 sf62020 Regulation for Reducing Sulfur Hexafluoride Emissions from Gas Insulated Switchgear  . more info
2020-09-24 toxicsupdate092020 Remote Meeting Docket for Informational Update on California Air Toxics Program  . more info
2020-09-10 ab617eastla20 AB 617 Community Emissions Reduction Program for East Los Angeles, Boyle Heights, and West Commerce Community  . more info
2020-09-10 ab617muscoy20 AB 617 Community Emissions Reduction Program for  . more info
2020-09-10 ab617wilmington20 AB 617 Community Emissions Reduction Program for Wilmington, Carson, and West Long Beach  . more info
2020-09-10 sept102020opencomm Open Comment for the September 10, 2020 Board Meeting  . more info
2020-08-27 august272020opencomm Open Comment for the August 27, 2020 Board Meeting  . more info
2020-08-27 hdomnibus2020 Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Omnibus Regulation and Associated Amendments  . more info
2020-07-23 ampts2020 Procedures for the Exemption of Add-On and Modified Part(s) for On Road Vehicles/Engines  . more info
2020-07-23 borderupdate72320 Informational Update on CARB's California-Mexico Border Activities  . more info
2020-07-23 easternkern2020 Eastern Kern Ozone Budget Conformity Update  . more info
2020-07-23 july232020opencomm  . more info
2020-07-23 ucdresearch72320 Proposed Research Contract with U.C. Davis Titled "Measuring, Analyzing, and Identifying Small-Area VMT Reduction"  . more info
2020-07-23 uclaresearch72320 Proposed Research Contract with UCLA Titled "Ambient Air Pollution and COVID-19 Disease Severity or Death Among Confirmed Cases in Southern CA  . more info
2020-07-23 ucsfresearch72320 Proposed Research Contract with UCSF Titled "Impact of Air Pollution on COVID-19 Case and Death Risk in California  . more info
2020-06-25 2019enforcementrep Remote Meeting Docket for 2019 Annual Enforcement Report  . more info
2020-06-25 70ppbozonesip2020 70 Parts Per Billion Ozone State Implementation Plan Submittal  . more info
2020-06-25 indianwellspm10plan Indian Wells Valley Second 10-Year PM10 Maintenance Plan  . more info
2020-06-25 june252020opencomm  . more info
2020-06-25 sjvapcderc20 Review of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Emission Reduction Credit Program  . more info
2020-05-28 archcoatingscm2020 Proposed Updates to the 2019 Architectural Coatings Suggested Control Measure  . more info
2020-05-28 may282020opencomm Open Comment for the May 28, 2020 Board Meeting  . more info
2020-05-28 sjv0520 Consider adoption of a revision to the San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 State Implementation Plan  . more info
2020-05-28 updateacc2 Remote Meeting Docket for Informational Update on Advanced Clean Cars II  . more info
2020-04-23 adf2020 Amendments to the Regulation on the Commercialization of Alternative Diesel Fuels  . more info
2020-04-23 april232020opencomm Open Comment for the April 23, 2020, Board Hearing  . more info
2020-04-23 healtheval2020 Remote Meeting Docket: Health Evaluation of Air Quality and Climate Regulations and Programs  . more info
2020-04-23 update2020mss Remote Meeting Docket: Informational Update on the 2020 Mobile Source Strategy  . more info
2020-04-23 updatescopingplan20 Remote Meeting Docket:Update on the Implementation of the 2017 Scoping Plan  . more info
2020-02-13 ab617fresno20 South Central Fresno Community Emissions Reduction Program  . more info
2020-02-13 ab617shafter20 Shafter Community Emissions Reduction Program  . more info
2020-01-23 sb498 SB 498 ZEV Policy Recommendations  . more info
2020-01-15 ab617elcentro19 Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Community Emissions Reduction Program for the El Centro-Heber-Calexico Corridor  . more info
2019-12-12 2019communityselect Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Selection Of 2019 Communities  . more info
2019-12-12 act2019 Proposed Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) Regulation  . more info
2019-12-12 aircleaner2019 Regulation for Limiting Ozone Emissions from Indoor Air Cleaning Devices  . more info
2019-12-12 areadesignations2019 Proposed 2019 Amendments to Area Designations for State Ambient Air Quality Standards  . more info
2019-12-12 fcnem2019 Fuel Cell Net Energy Metering Greenhouse Gas Emission Standard Regulation.  . more info
2019-12-12 sc8hrozonenotice The South Coast 8-Hour Ozone State Implementation Plan Update  . more info
2019-12-12 sjvaginc2019 San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Equipment Incentive Measure  . more info
2019-12-05 ab617westoakland Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program – Community Emissions Reduction Program for West Oakland  . more info
2019-12-05 ogvatberth2019 To Consider Proposed Control Measure for Ocean-Going Vessels At Berth  . more info
2019-11-21 lcfs2019 Amendments to LCFS Regulation 2019  . more info
2019-11-21 sjvozonestandard Progress Report on San Joaquin Valley Emissions Reductions for the 0.08 parts per million (ppm) 8 hour Ozone Standard  . more info
2019-10-24 ap2019 Additional Requirement for Advance Payment of Certain Funds Regulation  . more info
2019-10-24 fundingplanaqip2019 FY 19-20 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives and the AQIP  . more info
2019-09-19 tfs2019 Consider Endorsement of an Updated California Tropical Forest Standard  . more info
2019-07-25 ast2019 Vapor Recovery Systems for Aboveground Storage Tanks  . more info
2019-06-27 evse2019 EVSE Standards Regulation  . more info
2019-05-23 archcoatingscm2019 Architectural Coating Suggested Control Measure 2019  . more info
2019-05-23 capguidelines2019 CAP Incentives 2019 Guidelines  . more info
2019-05-23 crpamendments19 Amendments to CARB's Certified Regulatory Program  . more info
2019-04-25 ctvrp2019 CTVRP Regulation  . more info
2019-04-25 ohrv2019 OHRV Red Sticker Regulation  . more info
2019-04-09 ab179carbctc2019 AB 179 Joint CARB & CTC Meeting  . more info
2019-03-21 freightupdate2019 Informational update on CARB actions to reduce community health impacts from freight.  . more info
2019-02-21 areadesignations18 2018 State Area Designations Regulation  . more info
2019-02-21 asb19 Zero-Emission Airport Shuttle Regulation  . more info
2019-02-21 scpmcontingency South Coast PM2.5 Contingency Measure  . more info
2019-02-21 zepcert2019 Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification Regulation  . more info
2019-01-24 sjvsip2018 2018 PM 2.5 State Implementation Plan for the San Joaquin Valley  . more info
2019-01-24 swcv2019 Proposed Amendments to the Solid Waste Collection Vehicle Regulation 2019  . more info
2018-12-13 ctr2018 Regulation for the Reporting of Criteria Air Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants  . more info
2018-12-13 imperialpm10plan Consider the PM10 State Implementation Plan for Imperial County  . more info
2018-12-13 southcoastsip18 Consider the Proposed Revision to the South Coast 1-Hr Ozone State Implementation Plan  . more info
2018-11-15 ct2018 Cap and Trade 2018  . more info
2018-11-15 ctauctionproceeds3 Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Third Investment Plan: Fiscal Years 2019 20 through 2021-2  . more info
2018-11-15 ghg2018 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulation  . more info
2018-11-15 hdobd18 Heavy-Duty On-Board Diagnostics Regulation 2018  . more info
2018-11-15 tfs2018 California Tropical Forest Standard and the Draft EA  . more info
2018-11-15 westernnevadactsip18 Consider the adoption of the Ozone Attainment Plan for Western Nevada County  . more info
2018-11-15 zeeupdate Informational update on reducing emissions from small off-road engines.  . more info
2018-10-25 2018sipupdate 2018 Updates to the California State Implementation Plan  . more info
2018-10-25 fillpipe2018 CA Specs for Fill Pipes and Openings of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tanks  . more info
2018-10-25 fundingplanaqip2018 Proposed Fiscal Year 2018-19 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives  . more info
2018-10-25 gdfnozzles2018 GDF Nozzle Spout Dimensions Reg  . more info
2018-10-25 oilandgassip2018 Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities into the SIP  . more info
2018-10-25 sjvsipsupplement San Joaquin Valley Supplement to the 2016 State Strategy for the SIP  . more info
2018-10-25 spmv2018 CA Reg. and Cert. Procedures for LD Engine Packages for Use in New LD Specially Produced Motor Vehicles for 2019 and Subsequent Model Years  . more info
2018-10-25 tribalpolicy18 California Air Resources Board’s Tribal Consultation Policy.  . more info
2018-09-27 ab617 Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program requirements and selection of initial communities  . more info
2018-09-27 ab617ocap18 AB 617 COMMUNITY AIR PROTECTION PROGRAM DRAFT BLUEPRINT  . more info
2018-09-27 ict2018 Innovative Clean Transit 2018  . more info
2018-09-27 leviii18 Amendments to the LEV III GHG Emission Standards  . more info
2018-09-27 sipinfrastructure18 California Infrastructure State Implementation Plan Revision for the 0.070 Parts Per Million Federal 8-Hour Ozone Standard-Infrastructure SIP Revision  . more info
2018-07-27 sb350irp2018 Senate Bill 350 Integrated Resource Planning Electricity Sector GHG Planning Targets  . more info
2018-07-26 auctionproceeds2018 Funding Guidelines for Agencies that Administer California Climate Investments (Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds)  . more info
2018-07-26 cc4a Guidelines for Enhanced Fleet Modernization Program and Clean Cars 4 All Program Regulation  . more info
2018-06-28 cargotanksip Submission of the 2013 Amendments to the Cargo Tank Vapor Recovery Regulation into the California SIP  . more info
2018-06-28 hdwarranty18 HD Warranty 2018  . more info
2018-06-27 ab179 AB 179 Joint CARB and CTC Meetings  . more info
2018-05-25 cp2018 Consumer Products 2018  . more info
2018-05-25 hdvippsip18 Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection Program and Periodic Smoke Inspection Program Regulation 2018  . more info
2018-05-25 imperialsip18 PM2.5 State Implementation Plan for Imperial County  . more info
2018-05-25 vwmititrust18 California's Beneficiary Mitigation Plan for the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust  . more info
2018-04-27 cmpsupplementfunds18 Community Air Protection Funds Supplement to the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program  . more info
2018-04-27 lcfs18 LCFS 2018  . more info
2018-03-22 capandtradeghg18 Cap and Trade GHG 2018  . more info
2018-03-22 casnap High-Global Warming Potential Refrigerant Emissions Reductions Regulation  . more info
2018-03-22 farmerprogram2018 Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions (FARMER) Program Guidelines  . more info
2018-03-22 freightfacilities18 Community Health Impacts from Freight Facilities  . more info
2018-03-22 schdincentivesip2018 South Coast On-Road Heavy Duty Vehicle Incentive Measure 2018  . more info
2018-02-08 area18 State Area Designation Regulation 2018  . more info
2018-02-08 phase2 CA Phase 2 and Tractor-Trailer Regulation  . more info
2017-12-14 fundingplan2017 Fiscal Year 2017-18 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives  . more info
2017-11-16 2016sacsip 2016 Ozone SIP Sacramento  . more info
2017-11-16 chicopm2.5 Chico PM2.5 Maintenance Plan  . more info
2017-11-16 perp2017 Portable Engine ATCM and PERP Regulation  . more info
2017-10-26 imperialsip Imperial Ozone SIP  . more info
2017-10-26 portolabudgets Portola Transportation Conformity Budgets  . more info
2017-10-26 quorum2017 Quorum Definition Amendment  . more info
2017-10-26 sb375update2017 Update to the Senate Bill 375 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets and Environmental Analysis  . more info
2017-09-28 amcat2017 Aftermarket Catalytic Converters  . more info
2017-09-28 easternkern2017 Eastern Kern 2017 Ozone Attainment Plan  . more info
2017-09-28 enfpolicy17 Update to Enforcement Policy  . more info
2017-09-28 sjvsip2017 San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 State Implementation Plan  . more info
2017-06-22 scopingplan2030 Scoping Plan Update: The Proposed Strategy for Achieving California's 2030 Greenhouse Gas Target and Draft Environmental Analysis  . more info
2017-05-25 2016sipmohave 2016 Ozone SIP Plan for Western Mojave Area  . more info
2017-05-25 landfills2017 Landfill Emission Guidelines  . more info
2017-04-27 cmp2017 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program Guidelines  . more info
2017-04-27 coachellavalley17 Attainment Contingency Measures for the 8-Hour Ozone Standard in the Coachella Valley  . more info
2017-04-27 researchplan2017 Research Plan Fiscal Year 2017-2018  . more info
2017-04-27 sanjoaquinvalley17 San Joaquin Valley PM10 Maintenance Plan  . more info
2017-04-27 truckfieldenf2017 Truck Field Enforcement Activities and New Screening Criteria  . more info
2017-03-23 2016slcp Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Strategy and Revised Draft Environmental Analysis  . more info
2017-03-23 accmidterm2017 Advanced Clean Cars Midterm Review  . more info
2017-03-23 sansip2017 Ozone SIP for San Diego County  . more info
2017-03-23 southcoast2017 2016 Air Quality Management Plan for Ozone and PM2.5 for the South Coast Air Basin and the Coachella Valley  . more info
2017-03-23 venturasip2017 2016 Ozone SIP for Ventura County  . more info
2017-02-16 portolasip2017 Portola PM2.5 State Implementation Plan  . more info
2016-11-17 sore2016 Small Off-Road Engines Regulation  . more info
2016-10-20 fundingplan2016 Funding Plan 2016-17  . more info
2016-10-20 itr2016 Innovative Technology Regulation  . more info
2016-10-20 sjvpmplan2016 San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 SIP 2016  . more info
2016-09-22 capandtrade16 Cap and Trade 2016  . more info
2016-09-22 cpp2016 Clean Power Plan 2016  . more info
2016-09-22 ghg2016 Mandatory Reporting of GHG Emissions  . more info
2016-09-22 statesip2016 State SIP Strategy  . more info
2016-07-21 oilandgas2016 Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities Regulation  . more info
2016-07-21 sjvsip2016 San Joaquin Valley Ozone SIP 2016  . more info
2016-07-21 sparkignition2016 Proposed Amendments to the Large Spark-Ignition Regulation  . more info
2016-06-23 fundingplanaqip2016 2016-17 Funding Plan  . more info
2016-05-19 owenssip2016 Owens Valley SIP  . more info
2016-05-19 slcp2016 Proposed Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Strategy  . more info
2016-04-22 aftermarket2016 Aftermarket Diesel Particulate Filters  . more info
2016-04-22 smallcans2016 Small Containers of Automotive Refrigerant  . more info
2016-03-17 socalproject2016 Southern California Consolidation Project  . more info
2016-02-18 pfc2016 Portable Fuel Container  . more info
2016-01-19 vrdef2015 Vapor Recovery Equipment Defects List  . more info
2015-12-17 infrastructuresip California Infrastructure State Implementation Plan  . more info
2015-12-17 zev2015 Zero Emission Vehicle 2015 Regulation  . more info
2015-10-22 2015sjvozonesip San Joaquin Valley Ozone PM2.5 and PM10 SIPS  . more info
2015-10-22 cleancars2015 Informational Update on Advanced Clean Cars Particulate Matter Emission Measurement Feasibility  . more info
2015-10-22 fundingplan2015 Funding Plan for Low Carbon Transportation  . more info
2015-10-22 mobilesource2015 Discussion Draft Mobile Source Strategy  . more info
2015-09-24 fundingguidelines15 Funding Guidelines For Agencies that Administer California Climate Investments  . more info
2015-09-24 obdii2015 On-Board Diagnostic Systems II  . more info
2015-09-24 prop1bprog Proposition 1B Program Funding Awards  . more info
2015-07-23 arbcapcoa ARB/CAPCOA Risk Management Guidance for Stationary Sources of Air Toxics  . more info
2015-07-23 kerncog Greenhouse Gas Quantification for the Kern Council of Governments' Regional Transportation Plan  . more info
2015-07-23 sipwaiver A Proposed Submission of Waiver and Authorization Measures California SIP  . more info
2015-07-23 sjvsip2015 The Approval of Transportation Conformity Budgets for the San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 State Implementation Plan  . more info
2015-06-25 2015-16fundingplan FY 2015-16 Funding Plan for Low Carbon Transportation Investments and the Air Quality Improvement Program  . more info
2015-06-25 prop1b2015 Prop 1B: Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program Guidelines  . more info
2015-06-25 sandag2015 Informational Update on the GHG Quantification for SANDAG’s Draft 2015 RTP/SCS  . more info
2015-05-21 sjcog2015 San Joaquin Council of Governemnts' Regional Transportation Plan  . more info
2015-05-21 sjsip2015 San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 State Implementation Plan  . more info
2015-04-23 freight2015 Update on Sustainable Freight Activities  . more info
2015-04-23 vapor2015 Vapor Recovery Systems  . more info
2015-02-19 adf2015 Alternative Diesel Fuels Regulation 2015  . more info
2015-02-19 lcfs2015 Low Carbon Fuel Standard 2015  . more info
2015-02-19 scsip2015 South Coast 0212 PM2.5 SIP  . more info
2015-02-19 simw2015 Spark-Ignition Marine Watercraft 2015  . more info
2015-01-29 fcog2015 Fresno County Governments Regional Transportation Plan  . more info
2014-12-18 capandtradeprf14 Cap and Trade Protocols for Rice and Forestry  . more info
2014-12-18 imperial2014 Imperial County 2013 SIP  . more info
2014-12-18 researchplan2015 Research Plan Draft Report FY 2015-16  . more info
2014-12-18 techfuels2014 Technology and Fuels Assessment  . more info
2014-11-20 sjvbudget2014 Updates to the Transportation Conformity Budgets for the San Joaquin Valley  . more info
2014-10-23 leviii2014 Low Emission Vehicles (LEV III) 2014  . more info
2014-10-23 sb375update Updating SB 375 GHG Emission Reduction Targets  . more info
2014-10-23 sipcvandwmd2014 Coachella Valley and Western Mojave Desert Ozone Nonattainment Areas  . more info
2014-10-23 sjvincentive2014 Incentive-Based Emission Reduction Measures in the San Joaquin Valley  . more info
2014-10-23 sjvpmsip2014 Supplemental Document for the San Joaquin Valley 24-Hour PM2.5 SIP  . more info
2014-10-23 zev2014 Zero Emission Vehicles 2014  . more info
2014-09-18 capandtrade14 Cap and Trade 2014  . more info
2014-09-18 feereg2014 AB 32 Cost of Implementation Fee Regulation 2014  . more info
2014-09-18 ghg2014 Mandatory Reporting 2014  . more info
2014-09-18 sipmammoth2014 Town of Mammoth Lakes Maintenance Plan  . more info
2014-07-25 sjvcomm2014 San Joaquin Valley Sustainable Communities  . more info
2014-07-24 cmp2014 Carl Moyer Guidelines for On-Road Heavy Duty Trucks  . more info
2014-06-26 aqipjune2014 AQIP Funding Plan 2014/15  . more info
2014-06-26 carscrap14 Enhanced Fleet Modernization Program (Car Scrap)  . more info
2014-06-26 sip2014 Approval of the 8-Hour Ozone SIP Emission Inventory Submittal  . more info
2014-05-22 drafteaspu14 Draft Environmental Analysis for Scoping Plan Update  . more info
2014-05-22 reghaze2014 2014 Progress Report for the CA Regional Haze Mid-Course Review  . more info
2014-05-22 sjv-scsdev2014 San Joaquin Valley Sustainable Communities Strategy Development Update  . more info
2014-04-25 aqipcvrp2014 AB 118 AQIP CVRP Waiting List  . more info
2014-04-24 truckbus14 Truck and Bus Regulation  . more info
2014-02-20 pm25yc-mvl2014 Yuba City-Marysville PM2.5 Maintenance Plan  . more info
2014-01-23 2014sb375 Senate Bill 375 Implementation Status  . more info
2014-01-23 caisip2014 California Infrastructure SIP  . more info
2013-12-12 adf2013 Alternative Diesel Fuels 2013  . more info
2013-12-12 area13 Area Designations 2013  . more info
2013-12-12 hdghg2013 Heavy-Duty GHG Phase 1 2013  . more info
2013-12-12 researchplan14 Research Plan, Fiscal Year 2014-2015  . more info
2013-11-21 sacmetsip Updates to the 2009 Sac Metro Ozone Nonattainment Area SIP  . more info
2013-11-21 sjv13 San Joaquin Valley 2013 Plan for Federal 1-Hour Ozone Standard  . more info
2013-10-24 acc2013 Status Report on the Advanced Clean Cars Program  . more info
2013-10-24 capandtrade13 Cap and Trade 2013  . more info
2013-10-24 ghg2013 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions  . more info
2013-10-24 sipmobileag2013 SIP Credit from Mobile Agricultural Equipment  . more info
2013-10-24 zev2013 Zero Emission Vehicle Regulation 2013  . more info
2013-09-26 altfuel2013 Alternate Fuel Conversion Certification Procedures for On-Road Vehicles  . more info
2013-09-26 cfo2013 Clean Fuels Outlet Regulation  . more info
2013-09-26 cp2013 Consumer Products Regulations 2013  . more info
2013-07-25 1bawards Proposition 1B Program Funding Awards for Fiscal Year 2013-14  . more info
2013-07-25 aqip2013-14 Air Quality Improvement Program Funding Plan for Fiscal Year 2013-14  . more info
2013-07-25 cargo2013 Vapor Recovery Systems at GDFs and Cargo Tanks  . more info
2013-07-25 ohrv2013 Evaporative Emissions from Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles  . more info
2013-06-27 abagmtc2013 Update on Bay Area Draft Sustainable Communities Strategy  . more info
2013-04-25 fraqmdpm252013 Yuba City-Marysville PM2.5 Maintenance Plan  . more info
2013-04-25 ghgreductfund13 GHG Reduction Fund - Hearing on Investment Plan  . more info
2013-03-21 aqip2013 Air Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) Funding Plan  . more info
2013-03-21 researchplan2013 Research Plan, Fiscal Year 2013-2014  . more info
2013-01-25 diesel2013 Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Test Methods  . more info
2013-01-25 prop1b2013 Prop 1b: Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program Guidelines  . more info
2013-01-25 southcoastsip South Coast PM2.5 SIP  . more info
2013-01-24 sjvsip San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 SIP  . more info
2012-12-06 sandiegosip2012 SIP for San Diego 8-Hour Ozone  . more info
2012-12-06 sfsip2012 SIP for San Francisco Bay Area  . more info
2012-11-15 leviiidtc12 LEVIII GHG and ZEV  . more info
2012-11-15 sip111512 SIP for Fed Nitrogen Dioxide Standard  . more info
2012-10-18 cp2012 Consumer Products: Automotive Windshield Washer Fluid Products  . more info
2012-10-18 sip101812 PM2.5 Clean Data SIP  . more info
2012-09-20 ghg2012 Mandatory Reporting, Fee Regulation and Cap and Trade  . more info
2012-09-07 area12 Area Designations 2012  . more info
2012-08-23 hdobd12 Heavy-Duty OBD and OBD II 2012  . more info
2012-08-23 verdev2012 Verification Procedures Regulation  . more info
2012-06-28 aqip2012 AQIP Funding Plan for FY 2012-13  . more info
2012-06-28 capandtrade2012 Cap and Trade Regulation  . more info
2012-06-28 capandtradelinkage12 Cap and Trade Linkage 2012  . more info
2012-06-28 researchplan2012 Planned Air Pollution Research for 2012-2013  . more info
2012-05-24 siplead2012 State Implementation Plan Revision for The Federal Lead Standard  . more info
2012-02-09 erttghg2012 Emergency Regulation for Tractor-Trailer Greenhouse Gas  . more info
2012-01-26 cfo2012 Clean Fuels Outlet Regulation  . more info
2012-01-26 leviiighg2012 Low Emission Vehicles III  . more info
2012-01-26 zev2012 Zero Emission Vehicle Regulation  . more info
2011-12-16 gmbond2011 Proposition 1B Grants to Reduce Emissions from Goods Movement  . more info
2011-12-16 lcfs2011 Amendments to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard  . more info
2011-12-16 sore-ci2011 Small Off-Road Engine, Tier 4 Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine, Off-Road Spark Ignition Engines  . more info
2011-11-17 spcn11 Specially Constructed Vehicles (Kit Cars)  . more info
2011-10-20 capandtrade11 California Cap-and-Trade Program  . more info
2011-10-20 carfg11 California Reformulated Gasoline Regulations  . more info
2011-10-20 feereg11 AB 32 Cost of Implementation Fee Regulation  . more info
2011-10-20 recycling11 Mandatory Commercial Recycling  . more info
2011-10-20 tru2011 Transport Refrigeration Units  . more info
2011-09-22 cargo11 Mobile Cargo Handling Equipment  . more info
2011-09-22 evr11 Vapor Recovery Certification and Test Procedures  . more info
2011-09-22 infrastructuresip11 State Implementation Plan Revision for Federal Lead Standard Infrastructure Requirements  . more info
2011-09-22 researchplan2011 2011 Annual Research Plan  . more info
2011-09-22 sandiego11 San Diego's Sustainable Communities Strategy  . more info
2011-08-24 ceqa-sp11 Supplement to FED -AB-32 Scoping with CEQA  . more info
2011-08-04 vrdef11 Gasoline Vapor Recovery Systems  . more info
2011-07-21 aqip11 AB 118 Air Quality Improvement Program Funding Plan for Fiscal Year 2011-12  . more info
2011-07-21 sip11 SIP Revisions for 8-Hour Ozone and Minor Technical Revisions to the PM2.5 SIP Transportation Conformity Budgets  . more info
2011-06-23 area11 Area Designations for State Ambient Air Quality Standards  . more info
2011-06-23 hdiuc11 Heavy-Duty In-Use Compliance Regulation 2011  . more info
2011-06-23 ogv11 Ocean-Going Vessels 2011  . more info
2011-04-28 moyer11 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines  . more info
2011-04-28 sip2011 State Implementation Plan Revisions for PM2.5  . more info
2011-02-24 lcfs11 Intensity Lookup Tables in the Low Carbon Fuel Standard  . more info
2011-02-24 scag2011 Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)  . more info
2010-12-16 capandtrade10 California Cap-and-Trade Program  . more info
2010-12-16 ghg2010 Mandatory Reporting of GHG Emissions  . more info
2010-12-16 on-offroad10 In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets and Off-Road Large Spark Ignition Engine Fleet Requirements  . more info
2010-11-18 cp2010 Consumer Products Regulation Amendments  . more info
2010-11-18 imperial2010 Imperial County 2009 1997 8-Hour Ozone Modified Air Quality Management Plan and 2009 Reasonably Available Control Technology State Implementation Plan  . more info
2010-11-18 sacramentopm10 Sacramento County PM10 Implentation/Maintenance Plan and Redesignation Request  . more info
2010-11-18 tru2010 Transport Refrigeration Units  . more info
2010-10-21 atcm2010 Airborne Toxic Control Measure  . more info
2010-10-21 psip2010 Periodic Smoke Inspection Program  . more info
2010-10-21 research10 Draft Report: Planned Air Pollution Research  . more info
2010-09-23 2010sb375 Regional Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets SB 375  . more info
2010-09-23 ceqa2010 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)  . more info
2010-07-22 energyeff10 Energy Efficiency and Co-Benefits Assessment of Large Industrial Facilities  . more info
2010-07-22 res2010 California Renewable Electricity Standard  . more info
2010-06-24 aqip62410 AB 118 Air Quality Improvement Program Funding Plan  . more info
2010-06-24 chc10 Commercial Harbor Craft  . more info
2010-06-24 cosojunction Coso Junction PM10 Redesignation Request  . more info
2010-06-24 prop1bgrants Proposition 1B Grants  . more info
2010-06-24 railyard2010 Four High Priority Railyards  . more info
2010-06-24 senbill375 Target Setting Efforts Under Senate Bill 375  . more info
2010-05-27 agsjv10 San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Burning  . more info
2010-05-27 pm10sip Imperial County Air Quality and Consider Approval of the 2009 Imperial County PM10 SIP  . more info
2010-04-22 onoffroad10 In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicles and the In-Use On-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation  . more info
2010-03-25 area10 Area Designations for State Ambient Air Quality Standards  . more info
2010-03-25 cmp2010 Carl Moyer Incentive Program Guidelines  . more info
2010-03-25 goods2010 Proposition 1B: Goods Movement  . more info
2010-03-25 planarea10 South Coast Air Basin PM 10 Redesignation Request  . more info
2010-03-11 inuse2010 In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets  . more info
2010-02-25 cvpm10 Coachella Valley PM10 Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan  . more info
2010-02-25 ghgprot Greenhouse Gas Accounting Protocols  . more info
2010-02-25 ghgpv10 New Passenger Motor Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards  . more info
2010-02-25 sf6elec10 Sulfur Hexafluoride Emissions Regulation  . more info
2010-01-28 perp2010 Portable Diesel Engines  . more info
2010-01-28 verdev2010 Verification Procedures, Warranty and In-Use Compliance  . more info
2009-12-09 dec09update Truck and Bus and In-Use Off-Road Regulation Updates  . more info
2009-12-09 gwprmp09 High Global Warming Potential Refrigerants for Stationary Sources  . more info
2009-12-09 iacd09 Indoor Air Cleaning Devices  . more info
2009-12-09 zev09 Status Update for the Zero Emssion Vehicle Regulation  . more info
2009-11-19 ewir09 Emission Warranty Information Reporting Recall  . more info
2009-11-19 rtac09 Regional Targets Advisory Committee Recommendations  . more info
2009-11-03 mir2009 Tables of Maximum Incremental Reactivity Values  . more info
2009-09-24 cpmthd310 Consumer Products Test Method 310  . more info
2009-09-24 fedleadstd08 Area Designations 2008 Federal Lead Standard  . more info
2009-09-24 feereg09 Administrative Fee Regulation  . more info
2009-09-24 forestry09 Forest Project Protocol for Greenhouse Gas  . more info
2009-09-24 ghgpv09 New Passenger Motor Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards  . more info
2009-09-24 planfy0910 Draft Report Planned Air Pollution Research  . more info
2009-09-24 railyard09 Locomotive and Railyard  . more info
2009-07-23 offroad09 In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets  . more info
2009-07-23 zbus709 Zero-Emission Bus Regulation Status Report  . more info
2009-06-25 carscrap09 Car Scrap Program  . more info
2009-06-25 coolcars09 Cool Cars 2009  . more info
2009-06-25 landfills09 Landfill Methane Control Measure  . more info
2009-06-25 outreach0609 Update on Outreach and Funding Assistance for Truck Owners  . more info
2009-05-28 gmove09 Update on Existing Grant Agreements for the Proposition 1B Goods Movement  . more info
2009-05-28 hdobd09 Heavy-Duty On-Board Diagnostics  . more info
2009-05-28 phev09 Plug-In Electric Hybrid Vehicles  . more info
2009-05-28 toolkit09 Local Government Toolkit  . more info
2009-05-26 gdfh2008 Gasoline Dispensing Facility Hoses  . more info
2009-04-23 aqip09 Air Quality Improvement Program Guidelines  . more info
2009-04-23 aqipfp09 AQIP Funding Plan  . more info
2009-04-23 lcfs09 Low Carbon Fuel Standard  . more info
2009-04-23 siprev09 Status Report on the State Strategy for California's 2007 State Implementation Plan  . more info
2009-03-26 sip09 State Implementation Plan (SIP09)  . more info
2009-03-26 tirepres09 Tire Pressure Regulation  . more info
2009-03-26 truckinfo09 Informational Update on Truck Incentives  . more info
2009-02-26 fed8hrozone Federal 8-Hour Ozone Standard  . more info
2009-02-26 icat09 Innovative Clean Air Technologies (ICAT) Program  . more info
2009-02-26 nonsemi09 Non-Semiconductor and Non-Utility Applications  . more info
2009-02-26 semi2009 Semiconductor Operations  . more info
2009-01-22 haze09 California Regional Haze Plan  . more info
2009-01-22 hfc09 Automotive Refrigerant  . more info
2009-01-22 hmc08 Aftermarket Highway Motorcycles  . more info
2009-01-22 ordiesl09 In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets  . more info
2008-12-11 ceqa-sp08 CEQA  . more info
2008-12-11 ghghdv08 Greenhouse Gas Heavy Duty Vehicles (SmartWay)  . more info
2008-12-11 scopingpln08 AB 32 Scoping Plan  . more info
2008-12-11 truckbus08 Statewide Truck and Bus Regulation 2008  . more info
2008-11-20 lsi2008 Large Spark Ignition Engine Regulations 2008  . more info
2008-11-20 sore2008 Small Off-Road Engine Regulations  . more info
2008-09-25 aqipfuels08 AB 118 Air Quality Guidelines  . more info
2008-09-25 protocol08 Greenhouse Gas Reporting and Project Protocols  . more info
2008-08-25 omt2008 Portable Outboard Marine Tanks and Components  . more info
2008-07-24 ab233de08 Strategic Plan for Enforcement of Diesel Emissions Reduction Regulations, Pursuant to AB233  . more info
2008-07-24 fuelogv08 Fuel Requirements for Ocean-Going Vessels  . more info
2008-07-24 marine08 Spark-Ignition Marine Engine and Boat Regulations  . more info
2008-07-24 rdplan0809 Annual Research Plan 2008/09  . more info
2008-06-26 08icat Approval of Grants Under the ICAT Program  . more info
2008-06-26 cp2008 Consumer Products Regulations  . more info
2008-06-26 evrii Enhanced Vapor Recovery Phase II Systems Progress Report  . more info
2008-06-26 vwmd08 2008 Ventura County and Western Mojave Desert Plans  . more info
2008-05-22 gmove08 Funds to Reduce Emissions from Goods Movement  . more info
2008-05-22 sjv08 SJV 2008 PM2.5 Implementation Plan  . more info
2008-04-24 erplan08 Update on Emission Reduction Plan for Ports and Goods Movement  . more info
2008-04-24 hraoakland08 Health Risk Assessment for the Port of Oakland and West Oakland Community  . more info
2008-04-24 scapril08 ModifiedTransportation Conformity Budgets Contained in the 2007 AQM Plan for Attaining the Federal 8-Hr Ozone & PM 2.5 Stds in South Coast Air Basin  . more info
2008-03-27 moyer08 Carl Moyer Incentive Program Guidelines  . more info
2008-03-27 schoolbus08 2008 Lower-Emission School  . more info
2008-03-27 zev2008 ZEV 2008  . more info
2008-03-26 sip08 State Implementation Plan (SIP08)  . more info
2008-02-28 1bgm Proposition 1B Guidelines  . more info
2008-02-28 epp08 Early Progress Plans for the California SIP  . more info
2008-02-28 etaac08 Report of the Economic and Technology Advancement Committee  . more info
2008-01-24 icat08 Approval of Grants Under the Innovative Clean Air Technologies (ICAT) Program  . more info
2008-01-24 verdev2008 Verification Warranty In-Use Compliance  . more info
2008-01-24 zevcred Zev Credit Disclosure  . more info
2007-12-06 ccei07 1990 GHG Emissions Level  . more info
2007-12-06 drayage07 Drayage Port Trucks  . more info
2007-12-06 ghg2007 Greenhouse Gas Mandatory Reporting  . more info
2007-12-06 hdiuc07 Heavy-Duty In-Use Compliance Regulation  . more info
2007-12-06 pm25desig07 Revised Federal PM2.5 Standard  . more info
2007-12-06 shorepwr07 ShorePower  . more info
2007-11-15 ab100707 State Alternative Fuels Plan  . more info
2007-11-15 alecsjv07 Additional Local Emission Controls in SJV  . more info
2007-11-15 scbudget07 Budgets for 8-hr Ozone in South Coast and Coachella Valley  . more info
2007-10-26 chc07 Commercial Harbor Craft  . more info
2007-10-25 amcat07 New Aftermarket Catalytic Converters and Used Catalytic Converters  . more info
2007-10-25 arch07 Architectural Coatings Suggested Control Measure (SCM)  . more info
2007-10-25 eamghg07 Early Action Measures to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions  . more info
2007-10-25 forestghg07 Forestry Greenhouse Gas Accounting Protocols  . more info
2007-10-25 sjvpm07 San Joaquin Valley PM10 Maintenance Plan  . more info
2007-09-27 iacd07 Indoor Air Cleaning Devices  . more info
2007-09-27 scsip07 South Coast State Implementation  . more info
2007-09-27 sip07 State Implementation Plan  . more info
2007-09-27 venpest07 SIP Commitment for Ventura County Pesticide Emission Reduction  . more info
2007-09-24 ccea2 Climate change early actions  . more info
2007-08-21 vrdef07 15-Day Notice Vapor Recovery System  . more info
2007-07-26 ccmac06 Climate Change Recommendations from the Market Advisory Committee  . more info
2007-06-21 ab32eam07 Early Action Measures for Greenhouse Gas  . more info
2007-06-21 ast07 Vapor Recovery Aboveground Storage Tanks  . more info
2007-06-21 labels07 Smog Index Labels  . more info
2007-06-14 carfg07 Phase 3 Reformulated Gasoline  . more info
2007-06-14 sjvsip07 2007 San Joaquin Valley SIP  . more info
2007-05-24 25mill07 Alternative Fuel Incentives  . more info
2007-05-24 ordiesl07 In-Use Off-Road Diesel Fueled Engines  . more info
2007-05-24 rdfy0708 Research Plan  . more info
2007-05-24 sdozone07 San Diego Ozone Plan  . more info
2007-05-24 zev2007 ZEV Program Status Report  . more info
2007-04-26 compwood07 Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products  . more info
2007-04-26 gmove07 Ports and Goods Movement  . more info
2007-03-22 perp07 Portable Equipment Registration Program 2007 (PERP)  . more info
2007-02-22 no207 AAQS for Nitrogen Dioxide  . more info
2007-01-25 moyer07 Carl Moyer  . more info
2007-01-25 perc07 Dry Cleaning  . more info
2006-12-07 chrom06 Chrome Plating & Chromic Acid Anodizing  . more info
2006-12-07 icat06 ICAT Grant  . more info
2006-12-07 moyer06 Carl Moyer Incentive Program: Light-Duty Vehicle Chapter  . more info
2006-12-07 recall06 Emission Warranty Info. Reporting and Recall Regulations and Emission Test Procedures  . more info
2006-12-07 statemg06 Emergency Regulation  . more info
2006-12-07 vavr06 Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Regulation  . more info
2006-11-16 agen06 Stationary Diesel Agricultural Engines  . more info
2006-11-16 area06 Area Designations  . more info
2006-11-16 cpwg2006 Consumer Products  . more info
2006-11-16 gmove06 Reduction Plan for Ports and Goods Movement  . more info
2006-11-16 hotspot06 Hot Spots  . more info
2006-10-19 dg06 Distributed Generation Certification Regulation  . more info
2006-10-19 zbus06 Zero Emission Bus Regulation  . more info
2006-09-28 inuse06 Heavy-Duty Diesel In-Use Compliance  . more info
2006-09-28 obdii06 Onboard Diagnostic System II  . more info
2006-07-20 ohrv2006 Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles  . more info
2006-07-20 rdfy0607 Draft Report: Planned Air Pollution Research, Fiscal Year 2006-2007  . more info
2006-06-22 cmvsip06 California Motor Vehicle Service Information  . more info
2006-06-22 evap2006 Streamline Evaporative and Exhaust Emissions Test Procedures 2006  . more info
2006-06-22 perp06 Portable Equipment Registration Program  . more info
2006-05-25 lore2006 Forklifts and Other Industrial Equipment 2006  . more info
2006-05-25 perc06 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Operations 2006  . more info
2006-05-25 pvvapor06 Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities 2006  . more info
2006-04-20 gmerp06 Ports and Goods Movement Plan 2006  . more info
2006-03-23 verpro06 Verification Procedure, Warranty and In-Use Compliance Requirements for In-Use Strategies to Control Emissions from Diesel Engines 2006  . more info
2006-02-23 schoolbus06 Lower-Emissions School Bus Program Guidelines and the Allocation of 2005-2006  . more info
2006-01-26 ets2006 Environmental Tobacco Smoke 2006  . more info
2006-01-26 hdvip2006 15-day Heavy Duty Vehicle Inspection Program 2006  . more info
2006-01-26 ry2006 Railyard Memorandum of Understanding 2006  . more info

Board Meeting Comment Logs for Each Year:

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Board Meeting Comment Logs for All Years

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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