Workshop and Other Public Comment Logs for 2018

List Name Deadline Date Item Description
nat-work-lands-ws2018-12-10Development of NWL Goal and Implemenation Plan
3investmentpland2-ws2018-11-13The 3rd Investment Plan identifies priority investments to reduce GHG emissions
vw-zevinvest-c2bd-ws2018-10-27Electrify America's proposed Cycle 2 ZEV Investment Plan
3rdinvestmentplan-ws2018-09-14The Investment Plan identifies priority investments to reduce GHG emissions
alisomitigation-ws2018-09-12Aliso Canyon Menthane Leak Mitigation Settlement
ghgpetroleumfuels-ws2018-08-24Comment opportunity for additional greenhouse gas reductions from petroleum transportation fuels.
tribal2018-ws2018-08-15CARB's Policy on Tribal Consultation
health-7-13-18-ws2018-08-13comments on the health analysis for the climate change scoping plan
cleantransit-ws2018-07-24Innovative Clean Transit Regulation – How to Transition to a Zero Emission Public Transit System
ct-6-21-18-wkshp-ws2018-07-05possible revisions to the Cap and Trade regulation
capp-drft-prgmdoc-ws2018-07-02CAPP Draft Program Document
nat-workinglands-ws2018-06-15Natural and Working Lands Joint Agency Workshop
sf6wg1comments-ws2018-06-15SF6 Working Group Comments
techfuel-report-ws2018-06-15Technology and Fuels Assessment Report comments
cvrp-labor-2018-ws2018-06-05Concept Paper on Potential Procedures for Certifying Manufacturers' Fair Treatment of Workers for CVRP Eligibility
leviii-ghgdtc2018-ws2018-06-01Request for Public Input on Alternatives to Potential Clarification of the “Deemed to Comply” Provision of LEV III GHG Regulations
fundingguidelines-ws2018-05-152018 Funding Guidelines
carbsb350irp-apr-ws2018-05-14SB 350 Integrated Resource Plans and Establishing GHG Planning Targets
ct-4-26-18-wkshp-ws2018-05-10Workshop to Discuss Possible Revisions to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation
capp-conceptpaper-ws2018-04-30CAPP Concept Paper
test-docket-ws2018-04-30Request for Proposed Alternatives to Potential Clarification of the “Deemed to Comply” Provision of GHG Regulations Due to Pending Federal Rulemakings
vw-mititrust-pl-ws2018-04-19Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust for California
carbsb350irp-ws2018-03-23SB 350 Integrated Resource Plans and Establishing GHG Planning Targets
freightfacilities-ws2018-03-20Minimizing Community Health Impacts from Freight
ct-3-2-18-wkshp-ws2018-03-16Possible Revisions to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation
fuelcellnemwrkgrp-ws2018-02-28Fuel Cell-NEM Working Group Meeting
draft-initiatives-ws2018-02-16Draft Initiatives for CARB's 2018-2021 Triennial Strategic Research Plan

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